"Greetings from Baton Rouge Louisiana." One-Cent Post Card LA-1 - 9A-H15 purchased August, 1940.
"The State Capitol at Night, Baton Rouge, La. Thirty-four stories high. Tallest building in the South, being 450 feet high. There are 249,000 square feet of usable floor space. Cost of Capitol $5,000,000. Over 30 varieties of marble and stone were used in its construction, which were imported from Italy, France, Spain, Greece and Belgium." One-Cent Postal Card No. 6A-H1148.
Note: The State Capitol Building in Baton Rouge was used for the 1970s movie "The Deadly Tower" to depict the University of Texas' Tower. To explain: On Aug. 1, 1966, Charles Whitman pointed a rifle from the observation deck of the University of Texas at Austin Tower and began shooting in a homicidal rampage that went on for 96 minutes. All told, he killed 16 people and wounded another 31, and in the shocked aftermath, a handful of local reporters scrambled to make sense of it all. To read more about the UT Austin tragedy visit the Austin 360 site where KTBC retells the tale of UT's tragic day
.The Baton Rouge Capitol Building was chosen for the movie set since it resembles the UT Tower and also because the citizens of Austin and the UT students didn't want to relive what had been such a horrific day in their lives. Before August 1, 1966, Austinites could never have believed that something so tragic could occur in their city. It was not a good day, I was there, in the Main Building of the University of Texas at Austin, the "UT Tower". It was the longest 96 minutes I have ever lived through.
See the Texas Post Cards - Austin, Texas page for more pictures of The University of Texas Tower.
Greek Theatre, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA. Photo by Francis Pullen. One-cent postcard, No. 6A-H2246.
The Cottage, Baton Rouge, La., One-cent postcard, No. OB_H575. "The Cottage" was built in 1824 by the great-great grandfather of the present occupants. Adjoining the 20 room house is the 12000 acre plantation. The house, with many original furnishings, is now open to the public. To reach house, go south from Baton Rouge to Louisiana State University. Take road from stadium to Mississippi River levee, turn left and follow levee 4.5 miles.
"Bellemont Motor Hotel Swimming Pool & Patio. This large 75' filtered pool is a vacation spot enjoyed by many travelers coming to Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Flanked on each side by large coccus palms, the pool and its patio present a tropical atmosphere of unusual delight. Beverages and food are available from the famous delight. Beverages and food are available from the famous Bellemont Restaurant. Pool is free to guests of the Bellemont Motor Hotel, Louisiana's Largest and Finest." Post Card No. 78026.
"L. S. U. Stadium, Baton Rouge, La. Dedicated on November 28, 1936. Erected at a cost of $700,000. Seating capacity 48,000. Dormitory space for 1,000 boys, largest stadium in the South." One-Cent Post Card No. 7A-H568.
"Field House, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, La. -- 39." Post Card No. 7749.
"Hall and Staircase leading to House Balcony, Louisiana State Capitol, Baton Rouge. The deep rose staircase leading to the House Balcony is of Roja Alicante marble from Alicante in Spain." One Cent Post Card No. 6A-H1164.
"Huey P. Long Monument, Baton Rouge, La. Erected in 1940 in memory of the late governor and U.S. Senatory Huey P. Long. The statue is over his tomb on the state capitol grounds and was donated by the state at a cost of $50,000." One-Cent Post Card No. OH-H574.
"Governor's Mansion, Baton Rouge, La. -- 1" Post Card No. 6528
"Old Louisiana State Capitol at Baton Rouge -- 9. The old Louisiana Capitol building was erected 1847-8, partially destroyed by fire in 1862, re-constructed in 1881. This is the 'Medieval Castle' mentioned in Mark Twain's 'Life on the Mississippi." Post Card No. 30937.
"The New Lousiana State Capitol is the tallest building in the South, 34 floors, height to top of beacon light 450 feet, construction begun January 1, 1931, located on the site of the old State University Campus on University Lake." Post Card No. 2178.
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