This tiny 6 inch Uneeda doll is a cutie but her name and age are a mystery.

This little doll by Uneeda is not wearing her original clothes but instead found a sailor dress that fits just fine.

Baby Jennifer by Uneeda is a drink and wet doll marked 1987.

Uneeda cloth bodied doll with a vinyl head and hands. She is not in her original clothes.

Uneeda baby doll, marked 1999. 14 inches tall and not wearing original clothes.

Still in the original box this pair of Uneeda cowgirl sisters who are marked 1981 and are named "Two of Us Go West". Their cowgirl outfits remind me of the childrens' cowgirl suits that were available in the 1950s. Although back then it seems like most of the cowgirl and cowboy hats were either black (bad guy), white (good guy), or red (Christmas gift).

25 inch Uneeda cowgirl marked 1967 and dressed in her original clothes and shoes.

Uneeda 12 inch baby doll marked 1990 on the head and 1999 on the body tag. He is not wearing his original clothes, is bald and will hold his thumb in his mouth. He has a vinyl head, hands, and arms and a pellet filled cloth body.

Uneeda 12 inch girl doll marked 1999. She is not wearing her original clothes. She has short black hair, and brown colored open/close eyes. She has a vinyl head, hands, and legs and a stuffed body.

Uneeda 7 inch girl doll marked "0010702 Uneeda Doll Co. Inc. Made in China" on her head. She has red hair and her eyes are closed. She has long pretty eyelashes, although this particular doll is missing a few of them. She looks like she belongs to the Uneeda Sophisticates series which began in 1967. But, the dolls from the 1967 series had removable shoes. This little doll has pink shoes and white socks that are nonremovable. This doll is probably from the same series that was produced in the 1970s. She is wearing a dress that belongs to Merry Cherry Muffin. Uneeda reissued the Sophisticate series of dolls in the 1970s as Whimsies and/or Tiny Sophisticates (6.5" tall) a little later.

04-28-09 Update: Patty, a meticulous and friendly visitor to this site has identified this doll as one of the dolls in the Little Sophisticate series from 2001. The strange thing that Patty noticed was that this particular doll has the head of Georgina and the body of Suzanna. The 2001 Little Sophisticate series includes: Rosana, Marika, Kristina, Penelope, Georgina and Suzanna.

Uneeda 11 inch doll marked "1271203 Uneeda Doll Co. Inc. Made in China". Wearing his original lavender and white jumpsuit.

Uneeda 12 inch doll with pacifier. Wearing original clothes. jumpsuit.

Uneeda doll, approximately 11 inches tall, marked 1999. Bright blue eyes that are fixed and do not open and close. It appears that he is wearing his original clothes.

Uneeda doll, approximately 8 inches tall. This doll has a soft body with a vinyl head and hands. She is wearing her original cotton print dress with a white color. She has open/close eyes and molded hair. A vinyl tag is fused on the back of her head and is marked, "Uneeda Doll Co. MCMLXXXVII 90 Made in China". One curious thing about this doll. The head strongly resembles a Horsman brand doll and if the back of the head is examined closely, beside where the vinyl tag is fused onto the vinyl head on the left side of the tag are the letters "HO" before it disappears under the new tag and on the right side of the new tag "NC. It appears that this doll head could have been a "Horsman Doll Co., Inc." before it was a Uneeda.

2003, nine inch Uneeda doll wearing her original clothes. She giggles and talks, saying "I'm ticklish".

Copyright 2003 Uneeda Co., Ltd. She is approximately 6.5 inches tall and although she is wearing her original hat she does not have her original clothes. She has a bean filled body and a vinyl head with vinyl arms and legs. Her painted face which has unique "chipmunk" cheeks also has inset bright blue eyes. Her hair is molded vinyl and painted a very light honey blonde color. Her eyebrows are more noticable than most dolls her size and her lips are puckered up and pink.

A 7 inch doll from 1999 with a vinyl head, arms, and legs and a plastic pellet filled body. She has molded hair with two little pony tails near the top of her head. It appears that she is wearing her original clothes. She has a cute face with her wide-open glass type eyes and her bottom lip barely visible.

A Uneeda 7 inch doll with brown hair and brown eyes. She is not wearing her original clothes. She has a plush body and a vinyl head.

A 2003 Uneeda doll with brown hair that is highlighted with aqua. She is approximately 12 inches tall and has big aqua eyes. She is wearing her original clothes, a t-shirt that says "Jelly Jeans", blue jeans and canvas tennis shoes. She has a plush body and a vinyl head.

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