U. S. Veterans Hospital, Waco, Texas. "This hospital is located in the south city limits of Waco, on a 2,000 acre reservation. This is a $25,000,000 installation and contains scores of spendid buildings, which accommodate more than 2,000 patients, with all facilities for their care and comfort it is one of the Nation's largest Neuro-Psychiatric hospitals." Card no. S-47191

"The Chicken Shack Specializing "Leslie's Fried Chicken" Located at City Limits of Waco, Texas, on U. S. Highways 77 to Dallas and 81 to Fort Worth. Come as you are traveling; everybody welcomed. No food is more enjoyable than Leslie's Fried Chicken. Take it with you, packed in a neat box." Card No. 25071N, Postmarked 1953.

Each chicken dinner was served with a hot roll and honey. It was worth the drive to go through Waco for Leslie's Fried Chicken"

"Bear Pit at Baylor University, Waco, Texas" Baylor University's mascot family at four black bears is housed in this moat-enclosed pen near the center of the campus of Waco, Texas. One or more of the bears accompany Baylor teams to Intercollegiate contests." Post Card No. SK4227.

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