Vintage 1947 postcard no. 9A-H1804 The Melrose Hotel - Dallas, Texas. Oaklawn at Cedar Springs.
Texas Centennial Exposition, Official Photo SIRIGO. Black & White photograph, III-State Bldg. Postmarked September 18, 1936, Texas Centennial.
1013 Varied Industries, Electrical and Communications Building at Texas Centennial Exposition Dallas, Texas. One-cent postcard no. SA-H1680. "P.S. Having fine time at the Texas Centennial Exposition, Dallas. When here be sure to see the Elgin Watch display in the Electrical Building."
"Entrance Texas State Fair, Dallas, Texas." One-cent postcard, The Williamson-Haffner Co., Denver.
The Dallasite Motor Hotel, 4126 N. Central Edpressway, Dallas, Texas. 58 Refrigerated Air Conditioned Rooms--Covered Auto Parking--Telephones--Radio--Coffee Shop--Television Available--4 minutes from downtown Dallas, on U. S. Highway 75 Phone TAylor 4-0361." Postcard requiring four-cent postage.
Texas Hall of State, Dallas, Texas. This beautiful building, located in Fair Park at Dallas was designed as a dintinguished museum of Texas history. Its breath-taking splendor leaves a lasting impression upon the visitors of the glamour and magnificence of this great State." Card No. 2626B. Postmarked June 24, 1968.
"SKYLINE DALLAS, TEXAS" Card No. TPC-114-MS, Mirroscope (r) Post Card
"Hall of State and the Court of Honor State Fair of Texas, Dallas, Texas. Texas Hall of State is a Monument to the People of the entire State of Texas. Built at a cost of $1,200,000.00 of Native Stone. It is a memorial to the pioneers who built an empire out of a great wilderness." Postmarked August 22, 1956.
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